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Du willst Schülerinnen und Schüler, Studierende und Young Professional nachhaltig für die maritime und logistische Branche begeistern? Dann werde jetzt offizieller Partner der Discovery.Hamburg-Tour.
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Die Disovery.Hamburg-Tour ist eine Initiative aus dem agilen EU-Projekt “Connected-River” des Interreg North Sea Programme 2021-2027 und geht in die Umsetzung. Den Partnerunternehmen geht es in erster Linie darum, die logistische und maritime Branche in der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung und vor allem bei jungen Menschen als modern, innovativ und zukunftsweisend zu präsentieren. Gleichzeitig bietet es für dich als Partner die Chance, dein Unternehmen während der Company-Visits kurzweilig und lebendig zu repräsentieren.
Mehr dazu findest Du in unserem Partner-PDF.

Was andere Partner sagen!

"I am so happy with the work that Infinity did for me! They were professional and very detail orientated. I would highly recommend them.

"I am so happy with the work that Infinity did for me! They were professional and very detail orientated. I would highly recommend them.

"I am so happy with the work that Infinity did for me! They were professional and very detail orientated. I would highly recommend them.

"I am so happy with the work that Infinity did for me! They were professional and very detail orientated. I would highly recommend them.

"I am so happy with the work that Infinity did for me! They were professional and very detail orientated. I would highly recommend them.