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Entdecke vielfältige Discovery-Touren entlang des Hafens

Mit unseren spannenden


Entdecke vielfältige Discovery-Touren entlang des Hafens

Mit unseren spannenden und interaktiven Touren entlang innovativer Hafenakteure, begeistern wir Azubis, Studierende & Young Professionals.

Our Port at glance

Unser Hafen in Hamburg ist ein Universalhafen und bietet mit seiner Vielzahl an Unternehmen eine Fülle an maritimen und logistischen Innovationen. Tauche mit uns ein in die spannenden und vielseitigen Themen des maritimen Sektors und entdecke die Innovationen, die unser Hafen zu bieten hat!

What The People Thinks About Us


"I am so happy with the work that Infinity did for me! They were professional and very detail orientated. I would highly recommend them.

Jenny Wilson
Wade Warren

"I am so happy with the work that Infinity did for me! They were professional and very detail orientated. I would highly recommend them.

Wade Warren
Kristin Watson

"I am so happy with the work that Infinity did for me! They were professional and very detail orientated. I would highly recommend them.

Kristin Watson
Jacob Jones

"I am so happy with the work that Infinity did for me! They were professional and very detail orientated. I would highly recommend them.

Jacob Jones
Cody Fisher

"I am so happy with the work that Infinity did for me! They were professional and very detail orientated. I would highly recommend them.

Cody Fisher

Ready to start your Journey

Du willst entweder Teil der Discovery.Hamburg-Tour werden oder selbst mit Deinem Team, deinen Mitschülern oder Kommilitonen daran teilnehmen? Dann nimm jetzt mit uns Kontakt auf!